
2019 IEEE CIS Summer School on
Computational Intelligence for
Human and Smart Machine Co-learning

Dec. 21-23, 2019

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Time / Date Day 1
Dec. 21, 2019
Day 2
Dec. 22, 2019
Day 3
Dec. 23, 2019
08:30 – 09:00 Registration Breakfast
09:00 – 09:30

【Open Ceremony】

Director General, Rong-Feng Wu, Ph.D.
Edu. Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government Taiwan

President & Prof., Lien-Shang Wu, Ph.D.
National Kaohsiung Normal University Taiwan

09:30 – 10:50

【Keynote Speech】
IEEE 1855 in Internet of Things

IEEE TFS Associate Editor
Prof. Giovanni Acampora, Ph.D.
University of Naples Federico II

【Keynote Speech】
Patch Learning: A New Method of Machine Learning, Implemented by Means of Fuzzy Sets

IEEE TFS Advisory Board
Prof. Jerry Marc Mendel, Ph.D.
University of Southern California

【Plenary Talk 3】
Integrated AI Systems for Human-robot Synchronization

Prof. Toru Yamaguchi, Ph.D.
Tokyo Metropolitan University

10:50 – 11:10 Coffee Break
11:10 – 12:30

【Plenary Talk 1】
Knowledge and Imprecision: Participatory Learning Approach

IEEE TFS Associate Editor
Prof. Marek Reformat, Ph.D.
University of Alberta

【Plenary Talk 2】
Deep CNN Neocognitron for Artificial Vision

IEEE Neural Networks Pioneer Award
Prof. Kunihiko Fukushima, Ph.D.
Tokyo Metropolitan University

Closing Ceremony

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 – 14:50

【Lecture 1】
Next Generation Healthcare Information System to Support Precision Medicine

Prof. Feipei Lai, Ph.D.
National Taiwan University

【Lecture 2】
Introduction to Machine Learning (1/2)

Prof. Yi-Ren Yeh, Ph.D.
National Kaohsiung Normal University

14:50 – 15:10 Coffee Break
15:10 – 16:30

【Demo Session】
Human and Smart Machine Co-Learning

President & Prof., Lien-Shang Wu, Taiwan
Ex-President & Prof., H. D. Yang, Taiwan
VP & Prof., Cheng-Yen Wang, Taiwan
VP & Prof., Pen-Hwang Liau, Taiwan
Dean & Prof., Po-Hsun Cheng, Taiwan
Prof. Chang-Shin Lee, Taiwan
Prof. Jerry Marc Mendel, USA
Prof. Giovanni Acampora, Italy
Prof. Marek Reformat, Canada
Prof. Toru Yamaguch, Japan
Prof. Kunihiko Fukushima, Japan
Prof. Naoyuki Kubuta, Japan
Prof. Feipei Lai, Taiwan
Prof. Li-Wei Ko, Taiwan
Chair & Prof. Dowming Yeh, Taiwan
Prof. Che-Chern Lin, Taiwan
Prof. Pei-Chen Sun, Taiwan
Prof. Li-Wei Chen, Taiwan

【Lecture 3】
Introduction to Machine Learning (2/2)

Prof. Yi-Ren Yeh, Ph.D.
National Kaohsiung Normal University

16:30 – 20:00 Banquet